Civil Rights Concerns
Gig Workers Rising is a campaign that was launched by Working Partnerships USA in 2018 to support app workers in California who are organizing for better wages, working conditions, and respect on the job.*
Since our inception, we have been advocating for gig corporations to publicly commit to: a living wage to fairly compensate app workers for their labor so they can achieve financial stability, the right to organize without fear of retaliation, protected benefits like retirement, workers compensation, disability, health and PTO that workers in other industries enjoy, and transparency around wages and deactivation policies.
Gig Workers Rising believes that everyone who accesses works via an app deserves a real voice on the job and the freedom that comes with good pay and real benefits. We believe that without app workers, these corporations are powerless — so when app workers stand together, you have the power to drive real change.
*Gig Workers Rising does not represent or seek to represent workers in negotiating with their employer over the terms or conditions of employment

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